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Everyone wants to be “good” at sex. Well, what exactly does it mean to be good at sex, and how can you practice such an activity without exposing yourself to another human? Every classic TV show or movie features the young teen that wants to experiment sexually with their best friend so they can become an expert at love-making for when it really matters. This can be stressful on people, and in many cases, deter people altogether from being intimate. There is a lot of pressure for performing up to standards, which is why people are looking to sex dolls…


So let’s say you either own a sex doll, want a sex doll, or are thinking about purchasing one. Once she arrives, what do you do with her? Does she work just like a human? Can you position her in your favorite sexual positions just like you would with a person? Photo Credit – The beauty of a sex doll is that the sky is the limit! Think up the most pleasurable stances for you, put her into place, and enjoy your time with your very own sex doll. If you need a little inspiration or a few sex…