Chibi Sex Position

  • Chibi Sex Position

    The Chibi Sex Position is a great take on the classic Doggy style and incorporating the basics with a more stimulating experience. The woman sinks down to the end of the bed and positions herself so that her breasts rest on the bed with her head propped up by an arm. She opens her legs, hot and ready at the perfect angle for him. The man kneels behind her, setting the tempo and depth of penetration while taking in an excellent view of her form.

    For Him
    The Chibi is your chance to dominate while maintaining extreme closeness and a gorgeous view of your lover. You can take her on the bed with you standing behind her, you are in total control of your rhythm and depth. You can caress her butt as you delve deep inside her, or pull her ass cheeks back onto your erect penis

    For Her
    Now this is an inviting position to rest and just live it up, It is an easy position to maintain , your upper body leans on the bed, from there you can get up onto your knees wiggling that ass up till you are in line with his penis. More slope means deeper, more precise penetration, which makes G-spot stimulation likely. Opening your legs apart allows your partner to discover the right groove.

    Why It Rocks
    Ideal for couples that want to maximise the connection while still being fun and sexy. The angle also gives you some deep impact, which amplifies the feeling for both partners! The view leads to added excitement and sexual arousal.