Crazy Doggy Sex Position
A spin on the classic Doggy Style, Crazy Doggy Sex Position is for couples looking to step outside of their comfort zone. It takes a bit of coordination and a bit of patience but the payoff will be considerable sexual arousal!
For Him
Get at the foot of the sofa and raise your lower body whilst resting on your bent elbows. Raise your backside and put your knees and feet on the seat. Align yourself with her put your legs either side her legs, guide that penis into your partner. Fully connected now lets give this crazy doggy a go.
For Her
Kneel on the couch with your arms resting on the backrest for support Place your feet over the edge of the sofa, opening your legs shoulder width apart. Tilt your upper body a little forward and your ass pushed out meeting with his so that penis has a route of entry. Have patience with each other, and be sure to speak up about what changes would help you experience the most comfort/pleasure and sexual arousal.
Why It Rock
This position is for adventurous couples who want to add a dynamic to their sex lives, both partners need to work together to create angles and rhythm to experience the best from this position. This demands balance and concentration, so do not rush to build a steady rhythm.