Snow Angel Sex Position

  • Snow Angel Sex Position

    Even in summer, you can be a snow angel! That’s right, the snow angel sex position is a move anyone can add to their must-try list. I mean, maybe you shouldn’t rush to it, because it is one of the more extreme sex positions, but it can get you closer to that sex god level. You don’t have to be one yet to get it, but once you read about it you’ll want to try it. Here’s how to become a snow angel in the bedroom.

    Her: Lie on your back. Wrap your legs around your male partner’s hips. Lean forward with your hands on his ass or lower back. Almost like you are doing an ab workout.

    Him: Lie on your stomach in the opposite direction of your partner. Scooch your hips back and over her hips and enter her from the opposite direction and on top. Let her wrap her legs around you and place your hands on your body. Get in sphinx pose with your forearms laying down in front of you.

    Why It Rocks: The snow angel sex position is absolutely unique. You probably have never tried it before, but once you do it you’ll learn that you can do more than you thought you could. Oh, and it feels great too!