Hot Carl Sex Position
The Hot Carl Sex Position is very pleasurable it centres on getting her off from eating her out. The man sits on the couch with one leg bent below him and the other touching the floor. The woman is stood bent over on the sofa in front of him, facing away with her upper body tipped forward to create the right angle. She can play with her clitoris to add to the pleasure.
For Him
The Hot Carl is an opportunity to zone in on being fully centred around your partners pleasure. Sit on the sofa one leg bent underneath, the other leg resting on the floor. This position provides support to fully get into oral stimulation while also providing a view of her sexual body in front you. Use your hand to rub her hips or thighs, all the while adding to the intense feelings.
For Her
Stand on the sofa, bend over as if to touch your toes, spread your legs slightly apart to help with balance. Leaning forward ensures the angle makes it even more pleasurable when you are up close and personal. However, you can rub your fingers over your clitoris this adds stimulation to what is already bringing you to orgasm.
Why It Rocks
For couples seeking to get a little deeper in intimacy and away from traditional old routines this is perfect. You are so close that this position is both quite intimate and very sexy.